Archive for September 26th, 2007

Goodmorning Technologies

Goodmorning Technology used a two-layer raster effect to snazz up Widex‘s hearing aids packaging which appears to display moving sound waves as you remove the sleeve.

The sound waves translate to the Widex slogan, “High Definition Hearing,” which is great if you’re hard of hearing, but can read sound waves.

For New York Fashion Week, Elle MacPherson Intimates launched an interactive storefront, allowing users to reveal the video footage of the models on the windows through their movements on the street. This is by no means a new medium but it has been executed very well and has received a lot of positive WOM.

The Interactive Storefront is actually Human Locator, an interactive visual system developed by Freeset and designed expressly for advertising. Drawing on cutting edge computer visualization techniques to track full body movement in real time, it allows consumers to actively participate in and interact with advertising. At the same time the system provides advertisers with measurable viewer data. Freeset’s Human Locator system cuts through day-to-day visual clutter and attracts and holds the consumer’s attention with interaction. Human Locator brings the interactivity of the Internet to real-world environments.

by Humanlocator